You're not the only one who avoids stuff

Jun 26, 2024 6:02 pm

Hey there, ,

I am here today to share the best news ever. Ready?

You are not the only one who avoids stuff, especially uncomfortable business stuff.

And the way I know this FOR SURE is because I am over here right now this very minute doing it too (in fact, sending this email seemed like a GREAT way for me to continue to avoid the thing I'm avoiding, ha!).

We ALL avoid stuff. A fair amount of the time we're not even *really* sure why. Which is FINE. Seriously.

So, why am I here talking about this?

Welp. First, while I'm writing this email I'm actively avoiding doing a thing that makes me uncomfortable, so there's that.

[I'm supposed to be sending quick, simple, direct messages to check in with people who I *know* have been clicking links, thinking of coaching or Selling for Weirdos and the whole idea makes me feel weird... so while I know who the people are, I know what I'm going to say, and I know (***logically) it's all totally fine... I still haven't done it.]

Second, and this is the for-real reason, I want you to know what I'm going to do NEXT. Because I am not going to avoid doing these direct messages forever - they ARE (well, at least 5 of them) going to happen this week.

Because sharing with you how I break through the avoiding might help you to do the same (and at the very least maybe you'll be less hard on yourself about it...)

So how? How do I get moving?

This is the key question I have been asking myself too. What do I *actually* do to get myself OUT of this avoidance and moving forward?

I realized there are really THREE key things.

First, it's time to lay off the guilt.

This may seem counterintuitive because somehow we think that the more we guilt ourselves about how we 'should' have been doing the thing and 'what's wrong with you, jeeez, get MOVING already, ugh' the more likely we are to do the thing, but as far as I can tell guilt has the opposite effect on me and basically all the people I know.

What happens instead is that more guilt = more stubborn. Basically, the more mean I am to myself about what I'm NOT doing the more intractable about the whole thing and NOT doing it I become. Is this you too?

So step one for you and me is releasing the guilt.

Step two is putting down on paper a clear, detailed plan.

For me it means writing out the names of the people I'm reaching out to, what tool I'll reach them with, what I'm going to say, and then picking the time that I'll be doing it (10:15 am tomorrow!). The more details I can solve NOW the fewer decisions I have to make when it's actually time to DO the thing.

It's all about deciding as much as possible IN ADVANCE to make the doing SIMPLER (I did mine... now you do yours ;))

And then the last step?

It's to remember.

Remember what?

For me, in this, it's to remember WHY ON EARTH I am going to reach out (because I want to, because it's good for my people to know I see them, and it's good for my business to be direct), and also to remember that I'm not actually MAKING anyone do anything, I'm not bothering them, I'm not a problem. All it is is reaching out with love to check in - that's it.

What do you need to remember about what you're avoiding that will help you move forward sooner than later?


It's not wrong to avoid things - it's human.

And it's also not great for your business (or the people you're going to help...) for you to KEEP avoiding the things.


Release the guilt.

Make a clear plan.

Remember why you're doing the thing.

And GO forth.

I'll be right here with you, uncomfortable af, and doing the things ;)

Much love,


PS. One of the fastest ways to not get stuck in the avoiding all the time is to get coached on a regular basis.

You can work with me 1:1, in small groups starting in September, or in Selling for Weirdos (yes, it's a self paced course and you still get direct coaching from me which is honestly the best deal ever).

Book a time to talk, and let's move YOU forward, sooner than later (no need to avoid this one - I'm not scary, promise!!).
