Key coaching from this week, and 1 reminder!

Jun 14, 2024 3:30 pm

Hey there, ,

Happy Friday :)

There is ONE key idea that came out of coaching this week that I think might be helpful for you too.

The alternative to pressure is fun.

What? Well. Here's the thing.

Pressure, and the pressure we put on ourselves to succeed, to be better, to be more, to get it right, to be perfect was something that came up over and over and over again in coaching this week.

And in every conversation, we ended up with the same answer.

The alternative to pressure is FUN.

To which you're probably like 'okay, super, lovely, got it and also, so how the hell do I do THAT?' Because it's a good idea... but in practice? Meh... seems like a whole different animal.

So here's something to consider:

What if the faster way to success/better/more/right is by loving the hell out of what you're doing, and doing it what ever way feels most FUN to you?

Have a silly workshop idea? Run it. Want to start a networking lunch? Invite all the people. Want to use more curse words in your posts? Hell yes.

Ask yourself: what would be the most FUN way to succeed?

And then DO THAT.

WHEN you do, you're brain will take a break from the pressure pressure pressure because it will be too busy having fun AND the people in your world will be drawn in by the light you'll be emitting ;)

Wild. And all true. Logically you're probably with me - and even if you don't quite believe me... wouldn't it be more FUN to do work that's fun for at least a minute this summer rather than heap on more and more pressure?

Yep. Sure would. So at the very least, fun is worth a try.

And if you're not sure WHAT would be fun (and you're having a hard time deciding if you're even allowed to do whatever that thing is - you are, just sayin')?

Ask. I'm happy to help you sort it through. Hit reply, say 'I think _____ would be fun, but is it crazy?!" and I'll tell you it's not :)


Speaking of fun.

This is your reminder that you can use the theoffergame24 coupon at checkout for Selling for Weirdos to save $100 if you purchase by the end of the day on Sunday 6/16.

Because selling?

It can and should be way (way) more fun than it is for you right now.

  • You don't need to feel salesy to make sales effectively.

  • You don't need to follow the perfect script or sales process to have more people pay for your help.

  • And you sure as hell don't need to continue to sell in a way that doesn't feel giving, human-centered, or right for you in order to grow your business.

In Selling for Weirdos you get a three-step framework for selling by giving that you can and will make your own without a ton of extra time or work (really, you'll do less work because NOT being yourself is so. much. extra. work).

You can enroll here.

Here's to more FUN and less pressure - and more success as a result.

Much love,

