July is when all the good stuff happens

Jul 08, 2024 3:21 pm

Hey there, ,

It turns out that July is when all the good stuff happens.

While this is true every. single. year, it always seems to surprise me.

Maybe it's because I expect July to be quiet, doing less, and a slower speed (which is also definitely never the case...).

I'm not sure, but either way?

There's a LOT of good stuff happening in July, and there are TWO things in particular I think you should know about.

First, I have found over the years that I'm not generally a fan of the online summit version of learning... and also, I'm pleased to say that I have found the exception to that :)

I am (beyond, seriously) honored to be speaking at the Prosper Network Summit happening July 16 - 18.

This event is FULL of speakers and humans that I am very seriously more than a little in awe of - so many of them are not only brilliant business brains, but they're also SUPERB teachers (I'm doubly honored to know many of them as actual people that I talk to and am connected with) and that means that the time you'll spend with them, learning, listening will really be worth it.

I can't say enough about how excited I am :) PLUS the workshop I'm giving is all about NETWORKING, which is also pretty darn exciting (especially if networking isn't your jam, OR, better yet, if it is and also it's not creating the impact you'd like on your business...).

You can find the details and sign up for the Summit (which is totally free, btw) here.

Second, AFTER the Summit, there will be another workshop - also free - in the UNComplicating Business FB group.

This workshop will be a Part 2 to the Summit workshop; at the Summit we'll be focusing on networking, and in the FB workshop, we'll be focusing on translating all that networking into actual SALES (without the ick, of course).

[**If you can't go to the Summit workshop on networking, all is well - you won't have a problem if you only go to one, all is well!]

The workshop in the group will be Thursday 7/25 and Friday 7/26 at 11 am EST (the workshop part is Thursday and then Friday will be key takeaways, questions, and prizes... of course, because prizes are FUN!).

It's all going to be SO FUN!

If you have questions? Hit reply and ask, always.

Happy July - it really is when alllllll the good stuff happens!!


