Hey there ,"I just wish I was more CONSISTENT""I get started, I do great for a few weeks...and then things get busy, I get distracted, and I have to start all over again."Sound familiar?These are words I hear ALL. the. time. from clients, friends, co...
Dear ...What if it could be simple?Really.What if growing your business could be simple?What if finding clients wasn't so freaking hard?What if making more money didn't feel like such a mystery?What if you knew what to do when, in what order, and it...
Hey there !First, happy FRIDAY to you.On this Friday, I have TWO questions for you.#1: How were you RESILIENT this week?Seriously - you were, and I'd love to know HOW. Once you get to the end of the email, hit reply, and say tell me your story of res...
Hey there, ,Yesterday I got a note from a member of my FB group.She reached out because she is likes what Charting Business Success is about...but she isn't a teacher, wasn't a teacher, and doesn't own her own business (and yes, she's in my FB group...
Dear ,So far this week my feed is filled with '60 days 'till the end of the year! What's YOUR PLAN??!' posts.And they make me want to go hide in my closet. Truly.This last bit of the year is a weird time, because we WANT to reach big goals, create su...
Hey hey ,Happy Friday to YOU!Earlier this week I was complaining about something to a friend.And in the midst of my complaint she interrupted and said 'What do you do when you are hungry?'I paused (because honestly, I was confused...) and replied 'Um...
Dear ,Happy MONDAY!Last week I had a whole bunch of conversations about the struggle that is 'finding clients'.In teaching, your ‘clients’ were delivered to your door. They we assigned to your space. They showed up whether you wanted them or not.In b...
Hey hey ,Today, I just want to say thank you.Thank you for sharing your inbox, your work, your brain space, your time, and your dreams with me.Thank you for the work you do, for the light that you bring to the people you serve, and for the good that...
Dear ,Business success doesn't come from running ads, having a perfect elevator pitch, or from having exactly the right offer.I would truly love to tell you that figuring those things out will create success (MONEY!), but really, they won't.Why not?B...
Hey hey ,I was in a networking meeting yesterday, and the presenter, the magical Sarah Michelle (you can see more about her biz here and check out her podcast here) shared a FABULOUS, simple, and crazy- powerful journal prompt.Ready?Start with:'I use...