A 5 minute Power journal/thinking prompt
Oct 13, 2021 7:59 pm
Hey hey ,
I was in a networking meeting yesterday, and the presenter, the magical Sarah Michelle (you can see more about her biz here and check out her podcast here) shared a FABULOUS, simple, and crazy- powerful journal prompt.
Start with:
'I used to think...'
And then follow it with:
'And now I know...'
It's simple.
And it's POWERFUL.
Because it's a great way for you to see that you have come further than you realize.
We as humans tend to overthink and overanalyze anything that doesn't go to plan.
We chide ourselves for not being further, faster, better.
We forget where we USED to be.
We don't often stop to consider what we've really learned or how much we've actually grown, and this prompt is an AMAZING way to do both.
I did it myself this morning, and here was the answer that I was most proud of/surprised by:
I used to think… that overwhelmed was just a way I had to be, and that I didn’t have another choice. It was just what running a business, having kids, and having a life was like.
And now I know… that overwhelm is OPTIONAL. I know what to do when things feel overwhelming and that I always have all of the time I need.
I would LOVE to hear what you come up with, what you're proud of, and what surprises you when you try this out.
Once you try it, hit reply to this email and share your fave!
And just in case you need a full-on reminder today:
You have learned more than you realize.
You're closer to your dreams than you know.
And you are AMAZING all the time (yes, including right now).
PS. Tomorrow I'm sharing the 4 steps to creating a money-making business AS a teacher in my free webinar, The Teacher's Guide to Creating a Money Making Business.
What we’ll cover…
- How to effectively connect with & sign new clients,
- How to price & sell without EVER feeling salesy, spammy, or slimy,
- How to create simple, right-for-you business systems and processes that save time,
- How to build your business to full-capacity AND own your time once and for all.
Don't miss out!
Register here TODAY.