Between now and the end of the year...
Nov 02, 2021 7:59 pm
Dear ,
So far this week my feed is filled with '60 days 'till the end of the year! What's YOUR PLAN??!' posts.
And they make me want to go hide in my closet.
This last bit of the year is a weird time, because we WANT to reach big goals, create success, and grow, but we also WANT to rest, recharge, enjoy the holidays, see family, and create space.
And these two WANTS seem to compete.
But what if they actually don't?
What if you the way to ACTUALLY succeed between now and the end of the year is to do BOTH.
Here's the thing...
Between now and the end of the year you (try to) can reach your business goal by...
- turning up the pressure on yourself,
- sleeping less and hustling more,
- throwing money and time at your problems and hoping they'll fix things,
- being frustrated with and mean to yourself and probably people you love,
- doing exactly what you are doing right now, but MORE
It might work for your business.
But it won't be fun, and you aren't going to create the holiday experience you're hoping for.
Between now and the end of the year you can (actually) reach your business goal by...
- knowing that you will accomplish exactly what you've planned,
- resting, creating space to ACTUALLY think, and simplifying,
- investing in yourself and your business, and getting EXACTLY what you need,
- having fun in your business as well as with family and friends (I mean, it IS almost the holidays...)
- changing your process and doing LESS stuff to accomplish more.
I know it sounds insane, but success in your business and fun in your life really is this simple.
And the choice is YOURS to make.
So, what do you choose?
Which 60 days do you really want for the end of 2021?
**If the second list is what you WANT but the first list is what you HAVE, today is the day to DO something about it.
There are 2 spots left in the Charting Business Success small group coaching program that starts next week.
One of them is for YOU.
If you are ready for fun, simple, easy, AND progress, hit reply to set up a time to talk about grabbing your spot (or pick your own time here).
Say YES to investing in yourself, your business, and your FUN (rather than ratcheting up the pressure) for the rest of the year.
Say YES to making money without hustle and pressure.
Say YES to YOU.
Happy November,