Friends, it has been a while.Since our last meet-up in December, I have focused on several aspects of my life and business. At the end of last year, I took a workshop with Mary Virginia Swanson ( and Susan Kae Grant (http:/...
What was the last photograph you took?I am speaking from my perspective. For many photographers, this summer has been a rebirth of visual experiences. The past year I have consumed more images than ever before from books, magazines, websites, and eve...

Without visual images, you are only as good as your best textual metaphors with bullet points on a pitch deck.

Everyone might have a camera with technology that makes taking pictures more accessible and of decent quality. They don't have the intention.
Talking Photography N'at a virtual meet up Hey, I know what your thinking - Richard Doesn't Fish! The truth is my family and I have been working hard the past six months and we all need a break. We are planning to head out of town, check out some col...

Everything is changing fast. Thanks to the miracle of science, we are emerging from the darkest cloud of the COVID 19 pandemic. The business reboot is this summer of 2021, and visual brands need a refresh too. For the last 16 months, we’ve been dist...
Talking Photography N'at a virtual meet up Tuesday, June 8, 2021, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EDT We meet using Zoom Meeting Wow! since we last met up, virtually the winds have changed - it seems the CDC has...
Talking Photography N'at a virtual meet up Tuesday 7:00 to 8:30 PM EST We meet using Zoom Meeting I am not sure if it's the vaccine talking or the spring birds outside my studio window but I am rea...

We translate complex marketing messages into story-driven visual experiences on budget.

In person meetings are rare but precious, I guess the lesson is to go big or stay home.

In my experience, relationships are why people work with me as a photographer and image strategist.

Professional quality photographs or cameras are descriptions of very different things, not the business itself.

My single most valuable character trait is my curiosity; it has fueled all aspects of my creative life