Talking Photography N’at a virtual meet up Tuesday June 8, 2021 7:00 to 8:30 PM EDT
Jun 05, 2021 2:01 am
Talking Photography N'at a virtual meet up Tuesday, June 8, 2021,
7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EDT
We meet using Zoom Meeting
Wow! since we last met up, virtually the winds have changed - it seems the CDC has torn the mask off our faces (if you are fully vaccinated) and are allowing us to smile and say hello again. I know I feel the freedom; over the past month or so, I have resumed my weekly cafe society meet-ups - a few with some members of this community. I spoke with a few doctor friends of mine who said this truly is a miracle of science. Not to get too ahead of ourselves, but it feels good to be out and about.
I don't have a formal agenda for our meetup - from conversations with people, it seems that the themes:
Personal Projects - > "Stuff I Like"
Printing our Work - > Hey, David Farmerie has a new printer!
Showing our Photographs > How is Polly's show coming along and Hey, wait, Kristi Jan hoover has an update on her project for the Pittsburgh Children's Museum.
Photo Books and Zines - > What are you reading or looking at?
Print Exchange- Jeff Williams, our friend from Colorado, threw out this Idea a few months back, and it seems that several people jumped on the idea (as well as supporting the USPS. Who doesn't like getting mail?). Alas, there was some confusion as to how it should work: I reached out to Jeff and asked him what I should say about it:
"Print exchange = you send a print I send a print. I find visual artists enjoy printed work of others on the wall or in their collection - as opposed to seeing it on IG once and then never again. I love collecting gallery show cards. "
I have a list of addresses - if you want to receive a card, send me your address, and I will keep that list private but available to those who want to participate. You are under no obligation to do so, but it is fun. If you want the addresses, send me an email with Print Exchange ADDRESS in the subject line.
What are you working on? Do you wish to share? Join us and invite a friend.
If you have some images to share or photos of your books or process, send me 1024 pixels on the long side image file saved as a jpeg at 72 PPI save at high quality around 10.
Please send them to using Google Drive or We Transfer We are no longer accepting DropBox links.
The link in the email above, the, my Linktree in the Instagram bio, and'at/1.
See you on Tuesday Evening.
Richard Kelly