Please be Praying

Good Evening Redemption Valley Church , Please keep the Hawley and Souther family and all their friends in your prayers. July 14th Connor, was killed in a car accident as he was coming home from work. Praise God that he was following Christ these la...

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Jul 18, 2024
Today (& Yesterday's) Encouraging Verse - July 15-16

July 15th:Today a friend received devastating news. The comfort of this verse is real. God’s sovereignty is our comfort and foundation.July 16th:The plan for our redemption began long ago. God planned for His son to receive glory through our imi...

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Jul 16, 2024
Prayer Requests

Good Evening Redemption Valley Church -Please keep Chantelle in your prayers. Monday she had a lump removed from the top of her ear which they are performing a biopsy on. There is concern that it may be malignant. She will have results within two...

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Jul 13, 2024
This Week @ Redemption Valley Church

Good evening Redemption Valley Church,We are looking forward to gathering this Sunday to worship our Lord and Savior together. I will be preaching on Titus 2:6-10 The Church - A Functional Family Part II. Jim and Debbie wood are providing the main c...

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Jul 13, 2024
Today's Encouraging Verse - June 28th

In several seasons of life I have been so aware of my need for the Spirit to intercede for me, and I am sure He did. Console yourself by the knowledge that your life is important to your creator. He loves you. Find us on:YouTube Instagram Face...

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Jul 09, 2024
This Week @ Redemption Valley Church

Good Evening Redemption Valley Church,We are looking forward to gathering this Sunday to worship our Lord and Savior together. I will be preaching on Titus 2:1-5 The Church - A Functional Family Part I. Lunch and Fellowship will be after the meal. Ki...

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Jul 06, 2024