Today's Encouraging Verse - June 6th

As sure as God is all powerful so is it true He displays His power to bring Himself Glory. The most powerful kings are under His authority. Praise Him today.Like & Follow us on Instagram/Facebook and XConnect with us today:

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Jun 06, 2024
Redemption Valley Church - Update

For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face, that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of underst...

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Jun 06, 2024
Encouraging Verse - June 5th

Our salvation began before the womb. It began before the stars were made. It was in motion before the earth was formed. We were redeemed by the God of heaven that loves us. Connect with Him today."Those who have never been told of Him will see, an...

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Jun 05, 2024
Daily Encouragement - June 4th

One verse that declares seven truths about God. We rush through the Bible and miss the God of the Bible. Take a moment to praise your redeemer. "Those who have never been told of Him will see, and those who have never heard will understand"&n...

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Jun 04, 2024
Today’s Encouraging Verse- June 3rd

As summer approaches it is possible to overheat as you work outside. Having shade is beautiful. God is compared to the reliefs that shade brings. Talk to Him today about the oppression that is on you today and ask for the relief His can bri...

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Jun 03, 2024
Weekly Happenings

Good Morning Redemption Valley Church -This week has been a whirlwind for us and probably for you all as well. Lots of travel, lots of fun and lots of answers to prayers. We are looking forward to being back together as a church family this Sunday a...

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May 31, 2024
Today’s Encouraging Verse - May 30

The more we see God’s righteousness, the more we recognize our desperate need for mercy. We need a new heart that is capable of obedience. That new heart is also a grateful heart. 

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May 30, 2024
Today's Encouraging Verse - May 29th

Imagine a world without sin. It is not a world where you encounter a morally neutral existence, it is actually a morally righteous world. It will satisfy the soul because righteousness is founded in God and His law.  "Those who have never bee...

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May 29, 2024
Today’s Encouraging Verse -May 28th

With a history of active rebellion against God, the human condition is desperate. Do you shed tears because of the state of humanity or for the disregard for God’s deserved honor? Remember that the God of heaven is deserving of all praise and ho...

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May 28, 2024