Affinity Diagram

Affinity Diagram is a tool for organizing ideas generated during a brainstorming session into groups by similarity. It organizes ideas into categories so that they're easier to understand. The term Affinity diagram was proposed by Kawakata Jiro in th...

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Jan 05, 2022
Supplier Selection Process

Suppliers are an integral part of any business, especially manufacturing. Supplier selection is the process of finding the right supplier for your business. It encompasses all the steps taken to find, select, and work with a supplier.  Supplier selec...

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Jan 03, 2022
The Differences Between Theory X & Theory Y

Motivation is a process in which an individual decides to act or not based on their own desire. It can be defined as "the energy source that drives an individual toward action." In other words, it is the force that makes us move from one state to ano...

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Jan 02, 2022
Supplier Quality Management

Organizations have become highly competitive over the last decade. This has increased pressure on them to improve their processes and reduce costs. The organizations have turned to suppliers who provide them with high-quality components, materials, a...

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Dec 31, 2021
4 Communication Styles

Communication styles are personality traits that influence how we interact with other people. Each person has a dominant style, and our personality influences our preferred way of communicating. Based on the level of dominance (I win) and sociability...

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Dec 31, 2021
Supplier Onboarding

Suppliers play a vital role in helping companies achieve their goals. They provide services and goods that enable companies to operate efficiently. Onboarding new suppliers is a critical step in the relationship between a company and its vendors. Com...

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Dec 31, 2021
Confidentiality – Protecting Your Data

In today’s connected world, businesses rely heavily on their data. From customer information to financial records, sensitive data is often stored electronically. Confidentiality means keeping people from accessing, disclosing, stealing, etc., your da...

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Dec 30, 2021
Intellectual Property (IP)

What Is Intellectual Property?Intangible assets include patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, trade dress, know-how, and business methods. They are created through innovation and creativity. In other words, they are not physical objects but...

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Dec 30, 2021