Hey awesome,Here’s a thing you may or may not know about me – I am not a morning person (this made teaching middle school a situation, as you may imagine). However, this view, from pre-8 am this morning…whew. That could change my whole orientation.Un...
Hey awesome,I hope fall is going great for you - is it fall where you are? We have some crispness in the air overnight more days than not, but it's not quiiiite my favorite season yet. It is time for Halloween decorations though, which I'm going to w...
Hey awesome,It is so humid in our current spot that all I can do is dream of campfires and smores and hot chocolate...I really love fall. Though honestly? I can't feel too bad for myself, given that the beach is 15 minutes away. Tradeoffs.As of this...
Hey awesome, How was your holiday weekend? Mine was phenomenal. DragonCon happened, and I’m still taking unexpected naps to recover from it. I rarely sleep anywhere near like enough at cons, and DragonCon (which is the first con I ever went to)...
Hey awesome,We have recently left the Georgia mountains for a campground outside of Atlanta, and there is a ten degree difference in temperature…plus more humidity. Whew, I am not at all meant for muggy weather. Excuse me while I turn into a pool of...
Hey awesome,How's your August going? So far, ours has been spent in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Northern Georgia. The mountains older than bones - did you catch that twitter thread? A twitterer (I'm sure that's the technical term) @...
Hey awesome,Do you know I'm a complete baby about heat? Despite living in the depths of tropical-humidity-south and flatlands-baking-at-three-digits-south for over eighteen years, I'm still a New England girl at heart when it comes to weather. Not th...
Hey awesome, It’s an exciting week, here in the midst of July. 1) We’re in a beautiful campground for a full week, and next to a very cute town (campground lake below, yarn bomb in cute town above). 2) In the Wings, the 4HU anthology out la...
Hey awesome, We're back on the road! After getting to spend nearly ten months home with family, it's even harder than I expected to leave. However, the absolute beauty of this RV lifestyle is...we can so easily come back! Knowing that ...
Hey awesome,It's an absolutely glorious day outside - warm but not too warm, sunny and with big fluffy clouds to provide occasional shade, smells like fresh country summer air without any of the extra...cow-byproducts we might get sometimes. So, yeah...