Is it fall yet?
Sep 23, 2021 8:26 pm
Hey awesome,
It is so humid in our current spot that all I can do is dream of campfires and smores and hot chocolate...I really love fall. Though honestly? I can't feel too bad for myself, given that the beach is 15 minutes away. Tradeoffs.
As of this morning, a three-day rainstorm has passed, so we're off to the water for a few hours before I go back into my writing bubble. The picture above was our ocean trip right before the storm rolled in - it was amazing to watch the shadings in the water change as the clouds got heavier and heavier.
It was also probably for the best that I had to hunker down into said writing bubble during the storm. Kacey and I are in the homestretch with Ally, so while there's time for quick adventures, I can't just run off to the beach for endless hours every day.
That's right...right?
I still find it weird that my stories don't...write themselves while I'm out in the world? Odd.
Anyway, as I bounce between writing bubbles and adventures around the North Carolina coast, exciting things continue to happen in other places.
For instance: do you like reading fantasy? (Not a trick question, though my writing calendar for the end of the year hopes you'll say yes!) If so, how would you like to get an early look at fantastic fantasy stories from all sides of the genre?
Rob Howell is looking for early readers for the New Mythology Press imprint of CKP. You can email him at and get on the list - early access AND excellent stories for the win!
Back to work (ok, the the beach, then work) with me, but let me know what you're up to. What's on your agenda for technically-fall? Or is it truly fall where you are?
Til next time,