Tis the season
Dec 03, 2021 12:05 am
Hey awesome,
Happy December! How are you planning on wrapping up 2021? Family, some sage, a whole lot of rest? Fire? All of the above?
Just kidding on the fire. Mostly. We're settled into our winter location, surrounded by amazing family...and promptly got sick. Nothing too serious, thankfully, but colds nasty enough that we've locked ourselves in our camper and can only stare wistfully out at the people we were so excited to see.
But we're on the end swing of it, so we'll be able to emerge from our exile before long. And as my brain slowly claws itself out of illness-fog (I'm sure there's a technical term for it, but, see: illness-fog), that means one big thing: getting back to the aggressive writing calendar and my word count.
I didn't hit all my goals for the year, but then again I made my goals a little more on the ambitious than the realistic side. That approach usually helps me step up my game, and I did get a fair amount done this year.
For instance, 8 short stories across 3 amazing publishers - 4 that are out in the world (in In the Wings, We Dare: No Man's Land, It Takes All Kinds, and Starflight), and 4 that will make their appearance next year (stay tuned for: a woman who can taste death, a girl and her tank, a non-magical bookseller in a magical world, and a boy coming to grips with his power in a post-apocalyptic world). I have 2 more novels inching closer to completion, and of course a huge win: Kacey and I completed our Depik arc in the 4HU (coming to you December 17!).
I'm in love with that cover, and am so excited to hear what you think of where the Hunters end up...Ok, excited and nervous, but that is my natural state for stories in the wild.
So 2021 was productive, which is great! And which means my aggressive writing calendar for 2022 is even more aggressive...but we can talk more about that later.
In the meantime, I'm going to finish 2021 by bringing at least one of those almost-done novels to the finish line, resting up, and breaking out of the trailer (once I won't be the embodiment of Pestilence) to spend time with my husband's amazing family.
Not a bad way to wrap up a bonkers year. Hope you have plenty of rest and recharging in your near future as well!
Til next time,