Onward and Upward Newsletter - October 2023

Oct 01, 2023 3:37 pm



Just back from driving Mum home to UK from Ireland. An exhausting two days of motorway driving - north to Rosslare, across the Irish Sea, and south from Pembroke to Somerset. We were on the tail end of storm Agnes, so the return journey to Ireland wasn't a pleasant experience. The 'Oscar Wilde' wallowed like a pregnant pig, and 'unwell' was the order of the day! Happily back at home, now, and back to the grind.


Without further ado... The first book for my Bookouture series is back from proof reading. My next job is to check the comments and agree (or not) the amendments. I have to finish the second book by the 1st November, so the countdown is on. From this point forward, no interruptions needed, so I apologise in advance if you contact me and get a tardy response.

The new covers for the 'Suffer the Little Children' series are trickling in slowly. They have gone through three home-created remakes as I struggled (and failed) to find the graphic artist lurking inside me, but these below, commissioned by a real graphic artist, are the final versions (unless I change my mind!). I am awaiting the final cover for the book in progress.

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(Click the image to go to Amazon)

Follow me on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/chrislewando

As always, if you review one of my books online (preferably on Amazon), and send me a link to the review, I'll let you have another e-book free. Just reply to this email. But do make sure to tell me which book you would like to read. My compilation Death of a Dream is now a free download from my website (link at the foot of this mail).

Review links:

The Silence of Children: Amazon Bookbub Goodreads

The Price of Children: Amazon Bookbub Goodreads

The Loyalty of Children: Amazon Bookbub Goodreads

*** BOOKS FREE OR ON OFFER (mostly) ***

Do, please, repay the author for your free book by reviewing!

(Authors who wish to do a newsletter book swap, respond to this email.)


a Kindle Unlimited selection for October


Driven by his need to get justice for his sister—and a mysterious ally— Mason makes the choice to go back to the root of everything. A small-town thriller, where everyone has a story and no one can be trusted.


Some secrets are best left buried... Forensic pathologist Dr. Giselle Norwood is drawn into a treacherous web of conspiracy and danger when a media mogul's bizarre murder launches a relentless manhunt that leads to the darkest corners of power.


A young adult book. A genius sixteen-year-old. A terrorist’s twisted revenge. Can she stop a catastrophic cyberattack from bringing America to its knees?


A killer is leaving a trail of bodies all over Chicago and each one is a puzzle piece…

* * *

I don't have time to read every book that comes via a book funnel, or a 'swap' promotion with another author, so if you get a sample, a badly written book, or anything else that you find irritating, let the author know, by way of a review; don't shoot the messenger!

If you get an exceptionally good book, let me know so that I can check it out.

Even if you choose not to take any of the books from the offers, do please click on some links - it would help my 'share' statistics. I have been refused entry to some promotions as my share rate isn't high enough; book funnels are dominated by some very aggressive authors. I admit to being a social mediaphobe and live in the hope that writing quality beats the ability to bludgeon my way into readers' kindles.

Happy Reading


You have probably received this newsletter because you have accepted one of my books from a promotion. I do hope you wish to continue to follow both my publishing journey, and my storyboards of life here in Ireland, but if not, there is an unsubscribe button below.
