Hi ,Have you experienced the homeschool slumps yet? I used to always get them in January or February, but I know these next couple of months can be difficult, too. With holidays coming up and family visits, many homeschooling families experience lots...
Hi ,How is your year going? Is your homeschooling going as smoothly as you'd like it to? My family has been struggling - HARD - with our morning routine, but I think we've almost figured it out. We've never been morning people, but I hate getting hal...
Hello!You recently participated in Homeschool Quest's Back-to-School/Fall Giveaway, so that's why you're here on my list. If you're not interested, please head down to the bottom of this email to unsubscribe; no hard feelings.My family travels full-t...
Hi ,Can you believe it's October already?!? I know I can't! This year is flying by, but hopefully, you've been having at least as much fun as I have. As the cooler weather sets in, many families start focusing on more formal work. Since my family cha...
Hi ,Does September signal the back-to-school season for your family? Maybe you have one or more children in public or private school, maybe your family follows the public school schedule, or maybe you work in the schools. My family learns year-round,...
,Once upon a time, I used to use Mailchimp for my blog's emailing service. I don't remember what exactly prompted the change, but over a year ago, I switched to Sender, then several months (a year?) ago I switched to SendFox. (I think I'm here to sta...
Hi ,You recently participated in Homeschool Quest's Summer Giveaway, so that's why you're here on my list. If you're not interested, please head down to the bottom of this email to unsubscribe; no hard feelings.If I have piqued your interest, then we...
Hi !Do you ever get the slumps? You know, that feeling where you're wondering why you're working so hard, is all this really worth it? Usually, the slumps hit me around February, probably because of the weather in the PNW that time of year is really...
Hi ,Have you ever been really excited to teach your kids something, then almost regretted doing so later? Before this year, I couldn't say yes. Well, that's changed.I was so excited to teach my kids about logical fallacies this year. It was something...
Hi !I am popping into your inbox today for two reasons. One: Homeschool Quest is having another giveaway! And two: we now have travel itineraries available.So, first up, the giveaway. This is so cool! Enter to win a whole slew of homeschooling resour...