Welcome to Gameschooling!

Jan 05, 2025 8:49 pm


You recently participated in Homeschool Quest's 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway, so that's why you're here on my list. If you're not interested, please head down to the bottom of this email to unsubscribe; no hard feelings.

My family travels full-time in a converted school bus, and we love playing games! My blog, newsletter, and YouTube channel are focused on gameschooling, game reviews, and homeschooling resources.

If I have piqued your interest, then welcome! I look forward to helping you add more fun to your homeschool day! When we're having fun, stress levels are lowered and learning is automatically easier. Sound good? Here are some resources to help you get started:

My Gameschooling 101 article is a good overview of how to gameschool. This is a great first stop to figure out how to get started.

If you enjoy freebies, check out these free print-and-play games! You might also be interested in the freebies I have in my shop (all my products are $15 or less; many are less than $5!).

I do have a number of homeschooling resources reviewed on my blog, but my focus is game reviews and play-through videos. I try to post a new review and a new play-through each week.

I hope these resources help you in your homeschooling journey. I generally send about one email a week (look for the next one tomorrow). If you have any questions or would like specific game recommendations, please don't hesitate to respond to any email. I'd love to hear how things are going for you! Until next time,

Happy Gaming!


Gypsy Gameschooler

P.S. I didn't get any names with your email address, so if you'd like your first name (or any other pseudonym; I don't judge!) included in emails and your contact info, just respond to this email and I can update my files. I don't collect any information other than email and first name.

P.P.S. If you're interested in my family's travels and adventures, then I'd like to invite you to follow and subscribe to my husband's blog, DaddingOnTheRoad.com.

P.P.P.S. As a thank you for reading to the end of this email, use code TRY1 to get $1 off any product in my shop. Make sure you open and read new emails, as I often include coupon codes or free products.
