FREE Download Alert: The Winter Issue of Let’s Teach! eZine is Here!
Dec 15, 2024 6:01 pm
You are receiving this email because you signed up on my website,, through a bundle, through a giveaway, or purchased a product (or free download) from me. This is a bonus email about an amazing, free resource! Look for the next regular email from me in a week or two.
What's in the Winter 2024 issue?
7 Informative and Encouraging Articles:
- Three Things I Learned from 31 Years of Homeschooling (Kathie Morrissey | The Character Corner)
- Let The Fail! (JP Cappalonga | My Deaf Friend)
- Teaching Writing is Easier than You Think with the Five Writing Superpowers (Jan May | New Millennium School Books)
- Why Using Phonics is the Best Way to Teach Reading (Amy Brown | Zoo Kids Reading)
- Why You Haven't Taught Your Kids to Code Yet (And What to Do About It) (Lauren Schroeder | Salt & Lightspeed)
- 5 Tips for Happier Homeschooling Through the Holidays (Katie J Trent | Family Faith-Building Academy )
- Teaching the Love of Books: Developing the Desire to Read (Lynda Ackert | My Teaching Library)
30+ FREE Ready to Print-and-Use Student Pages
Printables include guided writing prompts, daily writing prompts, pages to color, cut and glue, vocabulary work, copywork, word searches, word puzzles and more. You'll find something for all ages and grades and are from ...
- Write Bonnie Rose
- My Teaching Library
FREE product and download offers from ...
- Salt & Lightspeed
- In Our Homeschool
- Like Minded Musings
- Let's Go Geography
- Happy Hive Homeschooling
- Thinking Kids Press
- Vibrant Home Life
- How to Homeschool My Child
- JoDitt Designs
- Clarissa R. West
- Gypsy Gameschooler - yours truly!
If that's not enough to get you excited enough to virtually flip through and download the Winter 2024 issue of Let's Teach! ezine, here is even more you'll find in this issue...
Amazing Discounts (ranging from 10 to 50%) from these publishers…
- New Millennium School Books
- Write Bonnie Rose
- My Teaching Library
- Homeschool Style Company
- The Character Corner
You'll also...
- Be able to sign up for a Homeschool Mom Summit hosted by Homeschool and Humor
- Get gift ideas from Katie J. Trent.
- Find 2 crafts and 3 yummy recipes!
- Find tools to help you get (and stay) organized from both Homemaker's Friend and Homeschool and Humor.
- Find ways to make money from home by Creation Illustrated and Medical Transcription Services.
- Discover books by authors Carole P. Roman, Danika Cooley, and others!
... and so much more!
Make sure you download your copy today! Until next time,
Happy Gaming!
P.S. This was an extra email, but as promised, the results of the poll are in! All of one person responded, and they were happy with only monthly emails. I'm working on improving my email game, including figuring out how to have different sorts of lists tailored to different needs (hopefully; this technology thing can be hard!), so stay tuned. In the meantime, the poll is staying open so feel free to vote anytime here.