Hi ,How's your March coming? Is it spring yet? It's starting to get warm here, so we'll be making our trek up north soon. We always enjoy seeing new places, so we're excited!Speaking of new things, I want to introduce you to my friend Melissa Muir at...
Hi ,Is it spring yet where you are? My family is still south for the winter, but we'll start our trek north for summer soon. What are some of your family's spring rituals? Do you do spring cleaning? Plant a garden? Do you have chickens and are eagerl...
Hi ,Many homeschooling families struggle with this time of year. I know I used to. You might be tired of winter, but it's still clinging. Your kids are bored and restless with being stuck inside - I totally get it!That's why I'm so excited about this...
Hey .The world is crazy sometimes. Like food prices and global warming. But overall, I still believe there are always things to be inspired by, don’t you?Like yesterday, I read this article about Miranda Evarts and it really helped me feel good about...
,Is it just me, or did January really drag on? Like, it seemed to take FOREVER. Now it's done and I just realized it was February (and therefore time for another newsletter)! So, hurray for getting through January!It's been a bit since I've given you...