Happy Harvest!
Nov 01, 2024 4:01 pm
Hi ,
How is your year going? Is your homeschooling going as smoothly as you'd like it to? My family has been struggling - HARD - with our morning routine, but I think we've almost figured it out. We've never been morning people, but I hate getting halfway through the afternoon and realizing we haven't done anything. How about you? Have you found your groove yet?
I am so excited, I'm about ready to burst. But we have to wait until the end of the email for all that, and first I need to let you know what's new!
In October, I posted reviews on Labyrinth, CAMP, and Oceans. I finally wrote an article on how to start homeschooling. (How did this take me so long?!? I have no idea. I practically wrote it every week in responding to one post or another in one of the many homeschooling groups I'm in on Facebook, so you'd think I would have done this sooner.)
New play-throughs on the YouTube channel include Boss Monster, D&D: Adventure Begins, Global Pursuit, Tell Tale (did you see the video in which my daughter did the voiceover?!?), and Continent Race. If you're looking at a new game, I encourage you to look for play-throughs to help you determine if it's a good match for your family.
Also new in the month of October is my Forest Animals Mini Escape Room. If you're not sure about paying for one of my games, this is a great one to check out! I am hard at work on some new unit studies, but these take me a bit to put together.
This month, you can look for new play-throughs of Munchkin, Zeus on the Loose, Mastermind, and Othello. (Most likely. They're not all scheduled yet, and my husband does my editing and voiceover, so if he gets other videos ready sooner for me I'm not going to quibble. But these should be soon, at least.) New blog posts include Mission: Survival and then what I am so excited for: A whole series on gameschooling with video games!!!
Doing a series on video games has been on my radar for ages, but I haven't gotten around to it until now. Why not? Because I'm not a video gamer. However, my husband and kids are, and I pay attention to what others say about educational video games. So we worked together to bring you this series of 9 posts that will take us through the end of the year.
In November, we'll see Gameschooling with Video Games, What Devices Can my Kids Play Video Games On?, and Where Can I Get Video Games?. If you're like me and not well-educated on video games, these are the posts to get you hooked up. If you're a video gamer and just need title recommendations, we'll cover that in December.
We'll return to our regular programming (mostly, at least) in the new year. Is there a game you'd like to see a review or play-through of? Please let me know! I might not be able to purchase a new game, but we have so many games I still need to review, so I might already have it.
As we head into the holiday season, don't forget to slow down and connect with your kids over a fun game. If tempers are frayed, turn to cooperative games to build those connections. Until next time,
Happy Gaming!
P.S. Thanks for reading to the bottom! Use code 3OFFNOV to take $3 off anything in my shop (unfortunately, except my book; it's only sold through third parties right now).