Sudden change

My blog this week is on sudden change and how to deal with it, the post also includes guided meditations and tools that can assist you find a way out of the mess!Click here to read the blog post Thank you for your time,Best Regards,Mehnaz Amjad

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Aug 22, 2023
Invitation to join the FB group

Way back in the month of May, I reached out to each one of you seeking your response on "Communities" and a link was also shared to be part of it.Some of you who joined the community were later notified of the new upcoming changes, and here are the l...

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Aug 15, 2023
Not in good shape

Today, I have a high temperature running, shivering with a scratchy throat, not in good shape, so instead of sharing anything,I ask for some positive good energy, and vibes, to be sent my way.With gratitude for your time and attentionBest regards,Meh...

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Aug 10, 2023
Rain and the negativity attached to it

The rains in Hyderabad are testing both my patience and mobilityWhile for many rainfall is a season, often associated with romance, adventure, and a time for picnics or outings.For me, it holds a very different meaning.Since childhood, I never liked...

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Jul 27, 2023
Let's learn about emotions !

Do you know that there are only 6 basic emotions, and they are :DisgustFearHappinessSadness Surprise Anger We all have been through these emotions at some point or the other in our life, but besides experiencing them, we also need to understand three...

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Jul 25, 2023
Drop your suitcases of worries

I created this podcast to help anyone who finds it difficult to let go of the past, regrets, and ruminations.If this is what you feel today!Here it is, click to listen and find your inner calm.In addition, here is a list of many others on similar lin...

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Jul 20, 2023