Let's learn about emotions !

Jul 25, 2023 8:53 am

Do you know that there are only 6 basic emotions, and they are :

  1. Disgust
  2. Fear
  3. Happiness
  4. Sadness
  5. Surprise
  6. Anger

We all have been through these emotions at some point or the other in our life, but besides experiencing them, we also need to understand three major roles these emotions play in life.

1. Emotions connect us to our own"self" thereby helping us connect with others

2. Emotions guide us to what is most important to us

3. Emotions then drive us into action, especially on, what really matters.

As per the neuroscience latest research findings, managing complex emotions is directly linked to better mental health, success in life, and general well-being.

Emotional regulations have been considered a very important part of personal development and an important trait that can bring you tremendous success, in areas of life both on personal and professional levels.

But how do you achieve it?

While not every emotion may require you to seek help to regulate, some emotions do need support to channelize it, anger is one such emotion.

Anger - is a valid emotion, but it is also the most misunderstood emotion, both by your own(self) and by others, this is because of the deep layers that surround it and are not so easily understood.

So, if you are someone, who finds yourself often with this emotion, here's a workbook that can assist you to know your emotion of anger at a deeper level.

Download it here.


Mehnaz Amjad

PS: would you like to learn, how to get clear on what you want ? , check out my latest online course on it here
