Let's do nothing today

It's been six months into the year 2024. In India, we just underwent a massive election process, and then we have two vulnerable parts of the world enveloped in war: Ukraine and Gaza. Besides being mere spectators to wars, we Indians are fighting our...

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Jun 11, 2024
Workbooks and guides

This page is the least attended by anyone viewing my website.So I thought, let me share it here,This is in collaboration with the Mindful Insititute; I bring to you a rooted-in-science set of workbooks, guides and meditations. The topics covered are...

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Jun 04, 2024
Yes or No

A piece from my life, I know this will resonate deeply.Read on ...The result of not being able to say a "No".& If you think it's high time you learn to be a bit more assertive, you can click here Thank you for your time and attention.Warm regards...

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May 13, 2024
Is this you ?

Is this you?Click here ,read through it and let me know your answerBest,Mehnaz Amjad.

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Apr 30, 2024
Little Joys of Life - Afternoon Naps

Through this post, I've attempted to simplify a powerful science-backed technique that would be a game changer for you if you are someone who constantly lives in the past negative experience.To experience deep healing through it requires practice on...

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Mar 26, 2024
A self care technique and healing program

Today,I bring to you a Guided Meditation. If you are going through a tough time or feel left out, isolated,or simply overwhelmed with endless stories in your mind!Listen to it here > Guided MeditationThis will help you ground yourself, visualise,...

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Mar 12, 2024
Heal through Writing

The two new programs launched, and everything about it ,including the cost can be found here Thanks for your time and attentionMehnaz Amjad

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Mar 05, 2024
Tolerations, what are you putting up with ?

Tolerations - as a newbie seven years ago, I had practised this technique with several of you in my coaching family.Today - I created a mini workshop out of it.Click here to practice it along with me.What's in it for you?A simple method that would he...

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Feb 27, 2024