Drop your suitcases of worries

I created this podcast to help anyone who finds it difficult to let go of the past, regrets, and ruminations.If this is what you feel today!Here it is, click to listen and find your inner calm.In addition, here is a list of many others on similar lin...

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Jul 20, 2023
It's time to learn ,are you ready ?

I learned Yoga ten years ago, but even today, sometimes I feel the need to seek support on certain postures, I've long forgotten. I no longer have access to my teacher, so I refer back to my notes and what my teacher taught me in regard to it.Keeping...

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Jul 18, 2023
A question

Today, I have a simple question for you before you begin, find yourself a comfortable position, grab a pen and a notebook, and if you prefer to type a notepad on your computerTake 3 deep breaths and answer it.Do not bother about grammar, or spelling...

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Jul 13, 2023
An invitation to connect

We are halfway through the year, and in another six months, we will bid farewell to 2023.Time flies! So, today I want to ask you -Is there anything you still feel you have not yet found a solution to,Is there anything you have in your mind, but someh...

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Jul 11, 2023
Let's know a bit about our emotions

Last week, this day was the festival of Bakrid.Usually, festivals are times, that call for celebrations, and gatherings, while this is true, what we often experience and I'm sure this happens with most of us in our families are the family dramas that...

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Jul 06, 2023
Welcome to the Blog Space

Here's a page from my life, a lesson I learned, only after having been through a series of failures.I've made a blog post of it, this is with the intent to share with the world, that managing the flow of information is how crucial in times of crisis....

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Jul 04, 2023
Welcome to the Blog Space

Here's a page from my life, a lesson I learned, only after having been through a series of failures.I've made a blog post of it, this is with the intent to share with the world, that managing the flow of information is how crucial in times of crisis....

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Jul 04, 2023
A mini guide : Navigating difficult times

Do you know one of the most difficult things, when we find ourselves in a problem is to talk it out with others? But why it is difficult?It's a lonely worldI will be judgedIt's private, I cannot share everything with everyone I don't think...

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Jun 27, 2023
a course on difficult times

The past week has been very hectic, especially when I sit with my finances and budgets and marketing team to evaluate progress and plan projections.During this exercise, I found one of my purchasing decisions has not only cost me a bomb but turned ou...

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Jun 22, 2023
The reluctant you "Coachee"

In the initial years of me as a Coach, I once had a client, who was very reluctant to open up or even get coached, let's call the person "J", so J was referred by J's partner and there was a lot of friction between the two, no wonder as a Coach I was...

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Jun 20, 2023