LISTEN: Prospecting According to Your Personality

As featured in the Season 1 Podcast.   There is one month of 2022 left, real estate friends --  you made it! Yet, some of you have shared your concerns with rising inflation and interest rates, which has resulted in buyers and sellers...

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Nov 23, 2022
Learning to advocate, not alienate, with fair housing

Excerpt from HousingWire feature.  I think Dr. King said it best, “Our aim has never been to put the bus company out of business, but rather to put justice in business.” — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Statement on Ending the Bus B...

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Sep 01, 2022
Fair Housing DECODER© Certificate

What participants are saying | Testimonies: “I am more confident when talking about fair housing with clients and the community shareholders. Thank you. I wish the class were in person. We would love to have your energy in the room.” —Roseline C., RE...

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Aug 22, 2022
Market Shifts Should Mean a MarketING Shift

Excerpt from the full feature at As a real estate coach, I count it such an honor to have a “wizard of oz” moment with you. In other words, the nature of coaching requires agents and brokers to pull back the curtain and reveal the “ma...

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Aug 12, 2022