You Got In Death Bedrenched - New Subscriber Welcome

Thank you for downloading In Death Bedrenched. I hope that you're enjoying the exciting prequel to the Tomahawks and Dragon Fire series. As soon as you've finished it, you can get a free review copy of the first book in the series, Threading the Rude...

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Jul 25, 2022
Repeated booty in a short letter with a dollop of praise

The letter is short and sweet this week. I've been covering court for myself as well as for my boss, who is out most of the month. Additionally, I had to travel to St. George for Operation Daughter Retrieval, which is preparatory for Operation Daught...

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Jul 15, 2022
You Got In Death Bedrenched - New Subscriber Welcome

Thank you for downloading In Death Bedrenched. I hope that you're enjoying the exciting prequel to the Tomahawks and Dragon Fire series. As soon as you've finished, you can get a free review copy of the first book in the series, Threading the Rude Ey...

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Jul 12, 2022
What would Voltaire say? - and swag is here

So I have some autographed books to give-away. I'll get to that in a minute.First, let me lay down a couple of quotes from Voltaire. (You know his real name was Francois-Marie Arouet, n'est-ce pas?) I think the quotes are fitting to remember at the p...

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Jun 30, 2022
The current state of gruntled and the reasons therefore

June prances in like a wild colt. The young horse stops and stutters in its uncertain exuberance, scattering sunshine and showers alike.I'm neither wholly gruntled nor disgruntled. Perhaps I'm merely insufficiently gruntled. My fortunes have varied o...

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Jun 02, 2022
Rogues over imbeciles - Big Guitar - and more

First, let me get his out of the way:Please apply for a free review copy of Threading the Rude Eye at this link.Second, I went to southern Utah last week. The weather there was nice and warm. The weather back home was wet and cold. Among the things I...

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May 17, 2022
What makes authors fools

Before I answer the titular question, let me ask you: Has there ever been a better comic strip than Calvin and Hobbes? I don't think so, but I'm willing to see arguments to the contrary.Now, more on (not moron) the subject topic:"Author: A fool who,...

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Apr 14, 2022