Your favorite Shakespeare play

Do you have a favorite Shakespeare play? There are many that I quite enjoy, including Hamlet, Macbeth, Richard II, and Richard III. If you prefer them in movie form, I suggest Branagh's Hamlet, as well the first three episodes of the Hollow Crown ser...

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Jul 14, 2021
Court cases can be funny

Dear Friends, Reader, and Others,Of interest this month was an Idaho Supreme Court Opinion which contained some humorous language. I'll get to that shortly. First, if you availed yourself of the opportunity to get one or more of my ebooks for free, p...

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Jun 15, 2021
The May Give-away

Friends, Readers, Countrymen,Lend me your ears. I'm giving away, that's right, giving away free copies of two of my ebooks and offering two others at only 99 cents each. I'll tell you more about that below.If you could choose one experience or moment...

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May 13, 2021
Hollow Promises

Hello again, Friends, Readers, and Bibliophiles,Let me thank you for your great responses to last month's email. I received only one negative response about my thoughts on anxiety spoilers. It was very entertaining. However, the positive responses we...

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Apr 21, 2021
Book rapture and Anxiety over spoilers

My friends and readers,I have two main topics for this newsletter.I'll begin with the topic of Book Rapture.Did you ever notice that there's a point at which you become enthralled with a book?I'm reading one now that has me enraptured. Usually such b...

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Mar 16, 2021

Hi!Thanks for participating in the book giveaway, and welcome to the Stanley Wheeler reader newsletter! You're receiving this email because you participated in the 5 book 5 author thriller give-away in February 2021.I send out a monthly newsletter wi...

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Feb 21, 2021
I promised you this

My Friends,I warned you that I would send a newsletter once a month. I'm making the 15th of the month my target date for the monthly letter. (Credit given below)I know, right?I needed to put a picture in there before I treat you to this little advent...

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Jan 14, 2021