What kind of girl introduces herself with a kiss

“Unfortunately, I could tell that she was not the kind of girl to introduce herself with a kiss.” ― Stanley Wheeler, SmokeThat seemed like an appropriate quote for the day after Valentines Day--and I love quoting myself. As for the question of what...

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Feb 15, 2023
A little wisdom from Machiavelli--or is it?

"He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command." -- MachiavelliI suppose that's one key to obedience. If I remember right from my reading of The Prince, many years ago when I was in college, Machiavelli favored being feared over being loved in...

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Feb 01, 2023
The subject has taken possession of the author

"It is not the author who decides on the subject, but the subject which takes possession of the author..." --Alexandre Dumas-- Wolf LeaderWhat has possessed you?As for me, I'm still obsessing with putting together book 6. I have written the first cha...

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Jan 16, 2023
A short story for your consumption

It's a new year, but it's also unlikely that any of us are going to make changes for the better -- at least not great changes. The key to meaningful and lasting change is to advance by small, attainable increments. Find one little thing and work on d...

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Jan 01, 2023
Eclectic Life Orchestra in surround sound

First, I must say, I've finished the final edit of Truth in Flames, Book 5 in the Tomahawks and Dragon Fire Series. It is available for pre-order on Amazon.Get started with book one in the series for only 99 cents. You might as well treat yourself an...

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Dec 14, 2022
I'm talking about a wallop and a rant

I'm editing Truth in Flames. I just finished chapter 12. I admit to feeling like parts of the first three chapters are slower than most of the series, but the rest of the book really packs a wallop.My arc readers have made some great comments. Here a...

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Dec 02, 2022
Off Schedule as I trim away some to preserve the best

Friends, Readers, Fans, and Hangers-on,I'm cutting my email list to those who actually find something of interest within it. I would love to have you all stick around, but if you haven't opened an email or clicked on a link in quite a while, I'll be...

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Nov 22, 2022
No injuries here or in the murder mystery

I didn't injure anyone this week. That's got to be a good thing, right? I did have another visit to the eye doctor--but no torture sufficient to merit a paragraph or two in the newsletter. The highlight may have been the murder mystery dinner in whic...

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Nov 17, 2022
The last chapter has splashed across the page

By the time you read this, I hope to have finished writing Truth in Flames, Book 5 of the Tomahawks and Dragon Fire Series. (Oct 25) I'm on the last chapter with over 90K words in the book so far. I'm thinking about adding an appendix with a list of...

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Nov 01, 2022
Taking tickets from the judge and the Power Brief

The judge took my tickets.They weren't my tickets. They were my wife's. One of the court clerks, with whom I have participated in the community theater, had asked me to be part of a fundraiser murder/mystery dinner next month. My wife decided she wou...

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Oct 14, 2022