Awesome Summer Deals

I hope July is going well for you. Here in Vancouver, we went through a heatwave for a few days, but things have cooled off somewhat. The downside is that wildfire risks have risen.I finally finished writing the first draft of my second urban fantasy...

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Jul 13, 2024
Free and Discounted Crime Fiction Deals

Summer’s almost here, and to those who celebrate, I wish you a happy Summer Solstice. The Wiccan characters in my urban fantasy certainly celebrate. I’ve been on a bit of a writing marathon since May’s newsletter, and have nearly completed the first...

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Jun 17, 2024
Mystery Fiction Sales Blast and a Question For You

Happy May, everyone! I’m trying something different on the promotion front, which is exciting and a little nerve-wracking. Rather than offer one book at a reduced price each month, I’ve decided to put the entire 7-book Casey Holland amateur sleuth se...

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May 24, 2024
Crime Comedy Sale and More Giveaways

Thank you to all who’ve purchased a copy of my Casey Holland novella, A Gold Satin Murder. The book is now also on sale through a promo event that features crime comedy novels. If you enjoy humor, this is a unique opportunity to check out several tit...

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Apr 16, 2024
$.99 sale of Mystery, Thriller, Suspense ebooks

I hope life is treating you well and that you’ve made time for reading in what is usually a busy season full of events, spring cleaning, and in our area, spring break for the school kids.Since my last newsletter, I completed the final edits for my fi...

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Apr 02, 2024
March's Free Cozy Mystery ebooks

It’s been cold and rainy here on British Columbia’s west coast, which has been the perfect time to catch up on reading. To start the month off, BookFunnel is offering a newsletter signup promo offering free full-length ebooks in the cozy mystery, sus...

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Mar 06, 2024
New Crime Fiction Discounts and Recommendations

For the next month I’m taking part in another BookFunnel Mystery/Thriller/Suspense series sales promo, which features book #6 in my Casey Holland Mysteries, The Blade Man. A small number of authors are taking part in this promo offer, so you’ll be ab...

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Feb 20, 2024
Mystery Deals and Crime Show Recommendations

Just a quick reminder that BookFunnel’s Mystery/Thriller/Suspense series deal ends on February 19th, so please take advantage of great deals from over 20 authors. The 5th installment in my Casey Holland mystery series is on sale for $.99 which you ca...

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Feb 08, 2024
New Mystery Deals and Rethinking My Newsletters

I hope 2024 is off to a good start for you. I’ve had a few bumps in the road: frozen hot water pipes, a slowly dying refrigerator, and a cancelled vacation next month so we can be here for my sister’s unexpected surgery. She was scheduled to fly to M...

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Jan 20, 2024
Terrific Mystery Giveaway

Happy New Year everyone, and I hope the first week of 2024 is off to a great start for you.Our holiday celebrations meant lots of family time with my grandkids. Here in Vancouver’s Lower Mainland, we’ve been experiencing mild weather, which has been...

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Jan 04, 2024