Hey there and happy Friday!It's the end of another week and you know what that means - the weekly digest!📅 To celebrate the start of International Coaching Week (ICW), on Monday I shared a case study I wrote a while ago about using loss aversion as...
Happy Friday This week is mental health awareness week with the theme "connecting with nature". If you didn't have a chance yet, I hope you'll take a few moments in the next couple of days to go outside and enjoy the beauty nature has to offer. Until...
Hi I keep seeing lots of videos and training programmes on how to build a large audience. Titles such as "How I grew my Instagram to a gazillion followers in a month" and "How to get a ridiculous number of new YouTube subscribers" keep showing up in...
Hi and happy Friday! Are you ready for the weekend? Here's the weekly digest to help you hang in there.🔥 In the words of one of my readers, I was on fire lately. When it comes to content creation anyway. On Monday I released the second letter in th...
Hey I took some time off last week and, among other things, reflected on the questions and concerns we have as coaches when it comes to our businesses.I don't know enough. The timing is not perfect right now. What if this (product, service, launch, e...
Hey It's Friday again and you know what that means - here's the weekly digest to take you into the (long) weekend.👩🏫 A lot of people messaged me to say they missed my Association for Coaching workshop and asking if I'll do something similar soon....
Hey there I've decided to start a new column inside my Medium publication, Coaching for a Living. It is called 'Dear Coach' and, as the name suggests, it will be written in the format of a letter addressed to coaches. I love writing long-form, polish...
Hi and happy Friday!🎉 I started the week celebrating another YouTube milestone - 325 subscribers. Since then I gained a few more and I am so proud of the community I'm building on the channel. If you're not familiar with my training videos on YouTu...
Hey Something exciting happened in the last few days. I noticed one of my Medium articles was getting more and more views. I wrote it in February, so I was curious why the sudden increase in interest.I jumped into the analytics and, after a bit of re...
Happy Friday !What did you do this week? Did you go to the pub, get a haircut, have lunch at your favourite café? If you're in England, you know exactly why I'm asking this. If you're based elsewhere, you can ignore these questions and skip to the we...