WD: International Coaching Week and crickets

May 21, 2021 2:36 pm

Hey there and happy Friday!

It's the end of another week and you know what that means - the weekly digest!

πŸ“… To celebrate the start of International Coaching Week (ICW), on Monday I shared a case study I wrote a while ago about using loss aversion as a powerful motivator in my work with clients. It's called The Cost of Giving Up.

πŸ“½ My YouTube video was also a nod to ICW. In the spirit of education and showcasing the benefits of working with a coach, I talked about how to educate our prospects about coaching.

πŸŽ‰ On Wednesday I celebrated 5,000 views on Medium and celebrated with this LinkedIn post. I'm very pleased with my progress on this platform and I'm going to continue to invest time and effort in it because I'm seeing results from it.

πŸ“Speaking of Medium, this week I shared an article about why trying to be a coach for anyone and everyone doesn't work. Unless you like crickets 😊 - have a read to see what I mean.

That's it for this week, . Feel free to share any of the above with other people if you think it might benefit them - or even better, invite them to join my email list via this link.

Until next time, stay savvy.

