WD: masterclass for coaches, business favourites and a launch
Apr 30, 2021 12:01 pm
It's Friday again and you know what that means - here's the weekly digest to take you into the (long) weekend.
👩🏫 A lot of people messaged me to say they missed my Association for Coaching workshop and asking if I'll do something similar soon. The answer is yes! I'm doing a one-day masterclass with them on the 25th of June that is open to the public (and not just exclusive to members). More details in this LinkedIn post, including a link to register and a word cloud with the feedback I received for my latest event with them.
📽 I cannot believe the 5th month of 2021 is almost here! April is gone and although it was a very busy month, I still had a few business favourites that I shared in my latest YouTube video.
📰 In a previous email, I told you about my new advice column on Medium, Dear Coach. As it happens, one of the links I shared in that email was broken. Not sure what happened there, but I apologise for any inconvenience (maybe FOMO) that might have caused you. I'll link the first article in the series here again and keep my fingers crossed (that the link works and that you like the article 😁).
That's it for this week, . Feel free to share any of the above with other people if you think it might benefit them - or even better, invite them to join my email list via this link.
Until next time, stay savvy.