Introducing 'Dear Coach'
Apr 27, 2021 12:16 pm
Hey there
I've decided to start a new column inside my Medium publication, Coaching for a Living. It is called 'Dear Coach' and, as the name suggests, it will be written in the format of a letter addressed to coaches.
I love writing long-form, polished articles that are well-researched. However, sometimes what a person needs to read is a short letter (or email) containing one tip they can apply immediately, a quick answer to a very specific question, or simply a word of encouragement.
That is what I want the 'Dear Coach' series to provide. It's unlikely that these short articles will be chosen for distribution inside Medium and therefore they probably won't make much of a difference to my growth on the platform. However, it is my intention that they will make a huge difference to the people reading them.
After all, that's what it's all about. That is why I started my business and why I create content: to help others. I introduce the column in this short piece.
As part of the series, I will also take questions from my community and answer them as I would in an email. So, if you have any questions about the business of coaching and coaching in general, please reply to this email and send them my way.
I hope to hear from you soon and I cannot wait to see how this new project develops.
In the meantime, feel free to check out the first article in the series, based on a question I received recently from a subscriber. As you can see, it's completely anonymous and I will always keep it so.
Take care and speak soon,