WD: happy coaches, unnecessary costs and goals
Apr 16, 2021 12:21 pm
Happy Friday !
What did you do this week? Did you go to the pub, get a haircut, have lunch at your favourite café? If you're in England, you know exactly why I'm asking this. If you're based elsewhere, you can ignore these questions and skip to the weekly digest part. Here it comes.
👩🏫 I started the week by delivering a webinar for the Association for Coaching. More than 600 people signed up for it and 300-ish joined us live. I am still receiving messages from people with feedback and lovely words that make my heart sing. You can read some of the reviews in one of my LinkedIn posts and if you missed this one there will be other chances for you to participate in similar events in the near future.
📽 In my latest YouTube video I discuss 6 things you do NOT need to build a coaching business and why it makes sense to focus on them later, when you are more established. Give it a watch to avoid potentially wasting your time and money.
📝I usually set business goals in April. It makes more sense for me logistically to do so now, given that my business has a March year-end. I discuss goal-setting and how to increase the chances of reaching your goals in this Medium article.
That's it for this week, . Feel free to share any of the above with other people if you think it might benefit them - or even better, invite them to join my email list via this link.
Until next time, stay savvy.