Play the videoHi, !East opens 1♠, we overcall 2♥ and then West leaps to slam 6♠! What would you lead? ♠K ♥AQ632 ♦952 ♣A764If we want our best shot at taking down their slam, what's our best option?♠♥♦♣Keep Learning with Marla LawsonFree trial with Th...
Watch the videoHi ,We learn the guidelines and tips for how to bid and play, but we're not robots. Adam reminds us that we are humans playing against humans and that human psychology is always involved and can guide our strategy.Adam Parrish joins us...
Watch the videoHi ,With Jack Stocken scheduled to teach Stayman to his Beginner / Improver class, I asked him to join us for a short video about Stayman. As Jack does, he ended up including a challenge for the more experienced players... enjoy!Stayma...
Hi ,Okay, I'll cut to the chase. I am asking for two favors...First favor: I am AMAZED that we currently have 9.99K (?!?!) subscribers on our free Youtube channel! Would ten more of you help us get to 10,000? You (and any bridge friends) can subscrib...
Play the videoHi, bridge friends ~Whether we are simply hoping to make our contract or to collect valuable overtricks, we always want to play each hand to the maximum (and, when possible, not put a guaranteed contract in jeopardy by trying for extra...
Play the videoHi, !We're gonna make our 4♠ contract and we have a good shot at picking up an extra trick or two. But how should we choose between our side suits and how much should we do before drawing trumps or afterwards?Should we go for a finesse...
Play the videoHi, !So many of us bridge learners really stress out when we have to defend against 1NT. There is so much to keep track of, remembering what's been played in all four suits and with tricks being won from both partnerships. It can be hel...
Hi ,Jack Stocken is one of the most respected and loved teachers in the UK and Ireland and his online classes here at LBO are some of our most popular. Members of his classes can attend two new live lessons every week, access a large library of past...
Winning Strategies at Duplicate with Jack StockenWherever you play, you'll notice some players who consistently do a bit better than everyone else in the results. What do these players know that is helping them excel so consistently?When we play dupl...
Watch on YoutubeHi ,Our three primary types of defensive signals are attitude, count, and suit preference.Suit preference is best employed when attitude and count do not help the defenders, and one of those situations occurs when we are defending a s...