Hi ,We're very happy to announce a new free live lesson next week, 'Fourth Suit Forcing' with Jack Stocken. Register for free below and please help us invite any bridge friends who might be interested. All are welcome!Fourth Suit Forcing with Jack St...
Hi ,Watch on YoutubeOur hand is a shapely ♠KQJT876 ♥K9 ♦3 ♣Q75. After our left-hand opponent opens 1♦ and our right-hand opponent responds, 1♥, we must choose what to overcall. Would you bid a simple 1♠ or can you do something else to make things eve...
Watch the VideoHi ,Antara is back with a further refinement to the Rule of 20. Rule of 22, a refinement suggested by Mel Colchamiro. Follow the Rule of 20, but open ONLY if you have 2 Quick Tricks (or Defensive Tricks, as he calls it). So, Total the...
Watch the videoHi ,You have an fantastic hand with both strength and shape: ♠KQJ7 ♥AJT84 ♦Q ♣AK6But before you can open the bidding, someone jumps in with a Weak 2 bid? Or, even trickier, a Weak 3 bid? Or even trickier, a 5-level pre-empt in your sin...
Watch the videoHi ,We are in a fantastic 6S contract and an oportunity to cross-ruff. But, we better be careful how we travel back and forth between the two hands... how would you plan your play?In this week's hand from the BBO Bridge Master series,...
Watch the videoDear ,Appearances can be deceiving. Watch as Marla Lawson helps us through what appears to be a simple hand. But when trumps break in an unfortunate way, it may seem impossible. Marla helps us take a deep breath, make a plan, and fines...
Hi bridge friends,We have a lovely hand with 13 hcp and a nice shape. But before we get the chance to open the bidding, East jumps in with a 1NT opening.With our six clubs, we overcall 2♣ but then West bids 2♥. Do we bid again or let them have the co...
Watch the videoHi ,We are declarer in 3NT and we face a dilemma after we realize East is the dangerous opponent: we can cash our sure winners and go down only one, or we can try to set up our second suit to make our contract, but risking losing the l...
Hi ,In this week's lesson, Curt will be teaching us about cutting down ruffing power, then for the rest of April, the class will focus on defensive visualization, learning to spot patterns (and missing high cards) in the closed hands with several rea...
Play the videoRecognizing the common suit combinations can help us so much at the table. When we see a familiar suit combination, we can have confidence that we know the best way to play the suit.After drawing trumps with this hand, we want to set up...