Hi ,We are excited for the Chanukah Paint night! Please sign up today as we need to let the instructor know how many kits we need. As a reminder - there are ZOOM and Outdoor (distanced, with masks) options.Looking forward!Join us as the Jewish Women’...
Hey !Are you ready to roll?!Chanukah begins tonight and we are super excited. Will you join us?! Every night of Chanukah has an event - IN PERSON on Sunday evening. It’s a long email, scroll down for the full list of events. Tonight (Thursday De...
Join me tonight - 30 minutes to uplift your week.Hi ,I invite you to join me tonight for Torah and Tea.https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85026187807?pwd=aDhEdzZaODlKN05tODhZV0doWGh5Zz09Next Tuesday:Join us as the Jewish Women’s Circle meets again!Come t...
Hi !Join us as the Jewish Women’s Circle meets again!Come together with a diverse group of Jewish Austin women to relax and paint a Chanukah themed CanvasOutdoor location (distant seating) and Zoom information provided with your registration con...
Upcoming at YJP, SAVE THE DATE!8 Nights of Chanukah I know this is a lot of info for one email but SAVE ALL THESE DATES!We will spell out the fun for each of the Nights in the next few days but be prepared for a Chanukah like no other.https://www.yjp...
Upcoming at YJP, here are some exciting upcoming events!Torah & Tea - Wednesday 8:30-9:00For the ladies - 30 Minutes with Mussy to uplift your week, a message and a practice for making your week a little more infused with spiritual energy.Zoom me...
Hey I am trying to plan for the JWC Chanukah event. Jewish Womens Circle event for Chanukah:Would you rather - 1. Outdoor, in person, masks + social distance2. ZoomPlease respond to this email with your preference.Thank you!Mussy
Secrets of the Bible?Hi !We are starting next week (Wednesday) a new amazing JLI course entitled "Secrets of the Bible", and I want to invite you to join me!Here are 2 reasons why I think you'll really enjoy it:1. You are probably familiar with these...
Hi , I hope all is well!We are starting next week (Wednesday) a new amazing JLI course entitled "Secrets of the Bible", and I want to invite you to join me! Here are 2 reasons why I think you'll really enjoy it:1. You are probably familiar with these...
The Menorah in Every Window fixed Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDK-H-qbB4MmXG--xxSJsuGk58HTw59gPCEecJbfc_XVZLoA/viewform?usp=sf_linkThis email sponsored by:Get yourself delicious homemade Challah at mannachallah.comA Menorah in Ev...