Poetry: ClimbingThis morning,in the small basement shul,amidst several Chasidic students lost in prayer,I looked up from my siddurto see a man in worker’s clothes climb a ladderand enter through an open ceiling panel.And I thought, Oh yes,he is just...
RSVP: yjpaustin.org/onedor7:00 Soulful Shabbat Services7:30 Shabbat Dinner1700 Dexter St., Austin, TX 78704Xoxo,Chayla, Ian, Carrie & Adam One Dor Over Co-Chairs
Jacob is about to pass away, leaving his family bereft in Egypt, and ultimately paving the way for their enslavement there. In his last request of his son Joseph, he asks, “Please, do not bury me in Egypt. I will lie with my fathers; and y...
Dear Friend,With pride and joy we invite you to save the date to celebrate 10 Years of Chabad Young Jewish Professionals of Austin.We are looking forward to sharing more details in the coming weeks! Meanwhile, save this date on your calendars: S...
Meanwhile Brewing3901 Promontory Point Dr, Austin, TX 78744Xoxo,Chayla, Ian, Carrie & Adam One Dor Over Co-Chairs
As we head into the routine of life here is a wrap up of some of the messages we spoke about over the High Holidays.Remember that G-d loves you more than a parent loves their only child.We need to stick together — -— together with community like the...
(Chabad Young Jewish Professionals —Rosh Hashana Sermon 5779 [2018])There is a question that comes up every year as the High Holidays approach, and every year I attempt to answer it. Why are we here?Many people will consider themselves the “once-a-ye...