The Chai Times // Politics Got Inspiring

{get your tickets - loewy white party}Politics got Inspiring Oh, I hear the alarm bells ringing in your ears right now. This is dangerous territory for a rabbi. This will lead to half the community taking offense and the end of our beautiful cohesion...

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Jul 26, 2024
The Chai Times // The Internet is a Mitzvah

{get your tickets - loewy white party}Internet Outage Explains why Mitzvahs are so precise:This morning major airlines have grounded their flights, medical systems and banks are down and other critical infrastructure have been affected by a mass IT o...

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Jul 19, 2024
The Chai Times // It Will Never Fit

{save the date - aug 22 - loewy white party}All of Jewish philosophy is but an attempt to fit inside the human mind that which is contained within the heart of a simple Jew. It will never fit. But perhaps the mind, once aware of its inadequ...

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Jul 12, 2024
High Holidays 5781/2020

As we head into the routine of life here is a wrap up of some of the messages we spoke about over the High Holidays.Remember that G-d loves you more than a parent loves their only child.We need to stick together — -— together with community like the...

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Oct 15, 2020
Vote for Judaism

(Chabad Young Jewish Professionals —Rosh Hashana Sermon 5779 [2018])There is a question that comes up every year as the High Holidays approach, and every year I attempt to answer it. Why are we here?Many people will consider themselves the “once-a-ye...

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Oct 19, 2018