Hey there Here's something you might not have known about me:I.Love.Sex.It's the single most wonderful thing to me...Second only to God, Power and FamilyButt...There's a butt (pun intended) .....A big one. (hehehe)I only like sex with my wife...FYI:...
Hey there So a few months ago I was hanging out with one of my favorite clients: Nike Ajayi...Now just incase you don't know...Nike is this drop dead gorgeous lady who also just happens to be the creator of one of the most effective frameworks I've s...
Hey there So apparently...I.Lie.Turns out it wasn't 60mins after all but 1hr 54mins...But I think you'll enjoy it...Here's the link to the replay: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/w7e6WD7lqZS7eadvH8UTDw1SGSqYztRPY-LVgCMozfZgXLQHBDjdHdhJ2XBJ1vhR.1R_l...
Hey there It's a beautiful day here in Lagos, Nigeria and I excited about our meeting today.It's our opportunity to hit the ground running on HPEN and get the very best out of the experience.You've get to know about why I started HPEN in the first pl...
Hello As promised...Here's the link to register for your onboarding as a member of the Highly Paid Experts Network.https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkdeuvqzsoHtTU7DZAruv8c_VvK5qYA_3MI'm so sorry it's taken this long...Couldn't be helped.So....
Hello It's been a while since you last heard from me...In fact...It's very likely the last time was the last day of BAW when I was complaining about feeling faint...Well...That evening I was in hospital and I have been in hospital since...Severe angi...
Hey there people,Can't make today's meeting...Having a bit of a health challenge...Will be in hospital round about clinic time.So sorry guys!CTM
Hey there guys!So today we start getting into the very first step in tribecraft™.We'll look into what it really takes to be irresistible...Burst a few myths about niching...And know exactly what it takes to develop a highly valuable product.Class sta...
Hey there The replay for today is live in the 97days Academy.I've also added a bonus training on creating your Solution Frame...knowledge that is organized to solve a specific problem...Please make out some time to go through it...It'll help make tom...