Hey there!So...Here's the story I promised...But first a bit of context...Folashade or Shade as I love to call her, runs a practice that brings in upwards of $450,000 a year..She lives in the Netherlands and I've been working with her since January o...
Hey there!When my younger brother and I first got back to Nigeria from Manchester...We got a bit of a culture shock.Let me explain.You see whilst we lived with our mother...We never quite got the sense that trying something new was a bad thing...Rath...
Hey there,Years back...After my mother passed.My younger brother and I were brought back to Nigeria by my father.We got introduced to the rest of our siblings...I say "the rest" because apparently there was this girl that I had a crush on...She'd com...
Hey thereQuick question: How long does it have to take to completely change your life and business?The first time I was asked that question was by my friend and pastor: The Rev, Ose Imiemohon.I didn't have an answer.Over the years as I worked with pe...
Hey there!Here's a fact I've learned the hard way over the years..If you can’t keep up with your competitor’s ability to get things done, create and launch new products or services...And deliver results to clients faster than they can… They will cont...
Hey there!Quick question.What if you could know exactly what you were supposed to do when you sit down to work every day?What if you could guarantee that whatever you did..Whatever energy you spent...Was going to move you closer to ach...
Hey there!I've been working in my field for 20+ years..Helping experts capture, package and deliver valuable intellectual property...But...For the past 4+ years..I've been passionately focused on doing exactly one thing: Helping people see what's pos...
Hey there!So yesterday I started a conversation about one of my pet peeves: "Toxic Achievement"That tendency we all have to want to do everything and all things at once and right now!#sighBut when you think about it..I can't blame any of us for wanti...
Hey there people!It's been a while since I last email and to be honest I needed the break.Am I back to my regular email schedule?Not exactly...It's very likely that I wouldn't be consistent until January 2023..So don't hold your breath.But..It's abou...
Hey there Please click here to access your program area.Once you're inside..Access the course and be sure to watch the Getting Started section of your curriculum...The video and tasks will get you set for Monday.Please make time out to fill out your...