Hey there!Yesterday was not a good day.I had a small incident right after sending out yesterday's TDM and pretty much had to spend the day in doctor's care.But the day wasn't all lost.The thing with lying on your back waiting for the pretty nurses to...
Hey there!As promised...Let me tell you about Edward.Edward Williams had tried many times to start his own business...Each time things ended the exact same way...Year in...Year out...No matter how hard he tried...No matter how much he spent...No matt...
Hey there!Fulfilment is a funny thing.One one hand it's about getting what you want.And on the other it's about being wanting what you've got.It's about focusing on how far you've come vs how far you've still got to go...It's about focusing on your g...
Hey there!Warning: Woke Joke LoadingWhat happens when beliefs, values and stories get into a polyamorous relationship?A manifesto.#pausingfordramatic effectErr...You didn't get it?That's alright.Neither did I!Hahahahahahahahaha.....Still don't get it...
Hey there!It's a wonderful Saturday.#sipssuicidecoffeeYesterday I promised to share with you how to take your message and SolutionFrameā¢ to the world...21 one ways to be specific.You see...#anothersipofcoffee#aaaaaaaahYou need to create some kind of...
Hey there!Yesterday I had a pedicure.It was fun in some pretty weird unexpected way.And no...I'm not sharing.What I will share is what she said at the end of the pedicure...You have beautiful feet. It just took a bit of care and attention to make it...
Hey there!First off...I want to apologize for yesterday.I wasn't completely awake as I wrote TDM yesterday and so I left in the issue a rather scandalous statement that I really shouldn't have and with it a bit of confusion.That said...It's no excuse...
Hey there.Happy Valentine's Day.One of the core ideas I'm working extremely hard to get you to understand about the Community Mastery Method is this:There is a logical flow to how you build your community and audience...If your goal is to play the pr...
Hey there Let me tell you about Sharon.Initially... She worked with a big name mentor who shall not be named.He told her, "You need a book. You need to get out there on social media and speak and blog to get people to work with you." On the surface.....
Hey there!So....My mother taught me how to kiss.Her reason?She didn't want any son of hers embarrassing her the first time he kisses a girl.She taught me that kissing was all about communication.It's a physical expression of your depth of affection,...