Hey there!As you know our group - #WeAreTribemasters officially opens today.Consider this your official invite.It'll be a pretty cool way for us to connect with each other, learn from one another and build long lasting relationships.The group plays a...
The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor Volume 1: #1FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster Day 1: The Tribemaster Transformation EcourseHey there!Welcome to the very first issue of the spanking new Tribemaster's Daily Mentor (TDM) - the digital publication d...
Hey there!I hope you've found some time to dig into the questions I shared yesterday.The first 6 months of the year are as good as done by midnight today.Anyways...I'm pretty excited today.Why?Because today marks the end of an epic era and the beginn...
Hey there!Today's email is kinda special...But it'll be late...So please give me an hour and it'll be in your inbox.I kinda sorta just woke.CTM
Hey there!So I wake up this morning and my computer is dead.That's the third one this week.And I'm seemingly but steadily building a laptop graveyard in my pantry...Or kitchen store as we call it.Anyways...As I prepped to put the laptop away...It daw...
WARNING: I'M A BIT SLEEPY AS I WRITE THISHey thereYesterday I asked for some help in renaming the daily mentor...I got quite a number of people writing in to say they'd prefer we stuck with the current name...I found that pretty eye opening.But anywa...
Hey there!So yesterday I started sharing about changes that we'll be making to our primary media for Tribemasters clients and customers.Especially when it comes to the structure of the publication. Didn't get any feedback on that but one subscriber d...
Hey there!So I'm setting up a few fun meeting for July.On such thing is what I call a Workshop™.Yup..You read right: WorkChop.It's what happens when you workshop over really good food and super company.So if you're game on hanging out with me in grou...
Hey thereSo if you been around me for any length of time..Your reaction to the email subject line would be either one of two...First would be a chuckle followed by "what is he up to again?"Second would be a groan followed by "here we go again!".#evil...
Hey there people!So what I'm about to share will change your life...If....You allow it.Click here to watch this bit of ancient wisdom.It's literally just a minute long.And I'll be back later with some very important news.Till then...Get out of your o...