Valiant Women of the Bible 🧬 Day 30: Eunice & Lois

EUNICE & LOIS: FAITHFUL FAMILYWhen we are first introduced to Eunice and Lois, we learn they are close relatives of Timothy, a minister of the gospel at the church in Ephesus. (This is the same Timothy to whom Paul addressed two letters included...

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Mar 31, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible ⛪ Day 29: Priscilla

PRISCILLA: CHURCH PLANTERWhen we first meet Priscilla (or "Prisca"), she and her husband Aquila are living as refugees in Corinth following Emperor Claudius' expulsion of all Jews from Rome—so it’s likely sometime after AD 49. Each time Priscilla and...

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Mar 30, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 💰 Day 28: Phoebe

PHOEBE: DEACON PATRONESSWe meet Phoebe via letter of recommendation from the Apostle Paul. She included in the beginning of the end of Paul's letter to the Romans (chapter 16) where he appends an introduction of the letter bearer and extends his gree...

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Mar 29, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 🚪 Day 26: Rhoda

RHODA: SURPRISED SERVANTWhen we first meet Rhoda, she is heading out of the house to greet a visitor at the outer gate. Rhoda (her name means “rose” or “from Rhodes”) is in the service of a prominent family in Jerusalem—a family committed to the teac...

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Mar 29, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible ✡️ Day 27: Junia

JUNIA: OUTSTANDING APOSTLE PREFACE: Investigating Junia’s right to exist as a woman in the Biblical text got all my “Bible nerd” juices flowing…and I may have dug out every commentary I have on Romans just so I could verify what I learned from online...

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Mar 28, 2023
Day 26 Update

Dear , I'm writing to let you know that I couldn't get Sunday's email done on time due to a terrible, no-good stomach virus. I had it on Friday, but tonight, my son came home with it. And, well, mom duties come first. 🤒🤢🤮I will be sending Day 26 o...

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Mar 27, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 💜 Day 25: Lydia

LYDIA: PRAYERFUL ENTREPRENEUR When we first meet Lydia, she is at a “house of prayer” located near the river just outside a Roman colony at Philippi in north-eastern Greece. Lydia is originally from Thyatira (in modern-day Turkey), a city famous for...

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Mar 26, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 🧵 Day 24: Tabitha

TABITHA: GENEROUS ARTISANWhen we first meet Tabitha (“Dorcas” in Greek), she is laying on a bed in an upstairs room at her home: Dead. But...that's not where her story begins, and it's not where it ends. 🙌The very first detail revealed about Tabitha...

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Mar 25, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 🌷 Day 23: Mary of Magdala

MARY OF MAGDALA: CHOSEN WITNESS When we first meet Mary, she is with Jesus and his disciples as they travel throughout the Galilee region teaching, healing, and debating everywhere they go. Town of Magdala - A Heritage Site in IsraelMary’s home is lo...

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Mar 24, 2023