Valiant Women of the Bible 🪞 Day 31: {{contact.first_name}}

Mar 31, 2023 2:01 pm

: Truth Seeker


We first meet when she is reading the final email about valiant women of the Bible.

She is shocked to see her own name inserted into the "Valiant Women of the Bible" email series, but she continues reading because she is curious. 🤔

is alive in the twenty-first century. She is a daughter and a friend who often puts the needs of others before her own, sometimes to her own detriment. She works hard to care for those she loves, even when they show little affection in return, because she is AWESOME!!!

When learns about the diverse and valiant women mentioned in the Bible, she is inspired. She loves seeing how God has always worked through women of all ages, ethnicities, abilities, and social statuses—regardless of their past (or soon-to-be past).

rejects negative stereotypes that label women as hormonal busybodies, emotionally unstable divas, and vindictive gossips. She ignores the judgment of self-righteous control freaks.

is in the process of maturing into the woman God created her to be. She is learning more about herself and how to be more like Christ: courageous and vulnerable; generous in assumptions; accepting of differences; discerning of character; unapologetically authentic; and brave.

is a determined truth seeker and intentionally nurtures the "fruits of the Spirit" in her own life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

's story is still being written, and we know that as she leans into the plans God has for her, she will become everything she is meant to be...both because of who she is and because of who HE is in her life.

's life continues to have a tremendous impact on those around her, and she is known as a valiant woman of God. 💪❤️🙌




Thank you so much for joining me on this journey through the Bible during Women's History Month 2023. It’s been quite the experience, and we’ve learned a lot together.

I hope you have been reminded over and over again how very much God loves women—especially His beloved daughters. And how very much God loves YOU, – exactly as you are. 

I'd love to hear any feedback about this series, if you think I should turn it into a book, or anything else you want to share. I welcome all feedback.


Laura Zielke


Thanks for your patience and understanding regarding typos, send times, and falling behind when my family was sick. You rock!


Photo Credits:

Photo by Hanna Busing on Unsplash


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