Valiant Women of the Bible 🧬 Day 30: Eunice & Lois

Mar 31, 2023 3:45 am



When we are first introduced to Eunice and Lois, we learn they are close relatives of Timothy, a minister of the gospel at the church in Ephesus. (This is the same Timothy to whom Paul addressed two letters included in the New Testament.) Eunice is Timothy's mother, and Lois is his grandmother.

The family lives in Lycaonia (modern day Turkey) — probably in Lystra where Paul travels on his first missionary journey. While there, Paul and Barnabas are mistaken for the gods Zeus and Hermes (Acts 14:8-20).

imageThe ancient town of Lystra was build on this mound. Photo credit below.

In Acts 16:1, we learn Eunice, Timothy's mom, is a Jewish woman who accepts Jesus as the Messiah, and his dad is Greek. The way the verse is worded implies that Timothy's father is neither Christian nor a God-fearing Gentile.

“Presumably, Lois was the mother of Eunice, Timothy’s mother, and a Jew, since Acts 16:1 states that Timothy’s mother was a Jewish believer.” (Gentz)

It is through Paul's letters to Timothy that we learn of the sincere faith of Eunice and Lois and the tremendous spiritual influence they have had in his life.


In his second letter, Paul offers Timothy a little pep talk where he encourages him to remember where he came from and why he is where he is.

"Continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
2 Timothy 3:14-15, NRSV

When Paul reminds Timothy that he has known the Scriptures from childhood, he’s giving a shout-out to Eunice and Lois.

Growing up in the home of a Jewish mother and grandmother pretty much guaranteed Timothy would learn the Scriptures and the religious precepts of Judaism. 


Being open to new insights, listening to controversial teachings, and choosing to accept Jesus as the Messiah—those behaviors were not “guaranteed” at all.

ï»żThis is where Eunice and Lois stand out as valiant women, because the behavior and faith they modeled for Timothy became a legacy for all of us.

How exactly the women come to believe Jesus was the Messiah is not detailed anywhere in the New Testament. Most assume they become believers when Paul visits the area during his second missionary journey—but that’s an assumption. For all we know, they are in Jerusalem when Jesus is crucified and raises from the dead. Or maybe they are there during Pentecost. Or maybe they hear of Jesus from other Jews who are familiar with the man some call "Messiah."


We don’t know how or when they become part of The Way, but we do know that their decision has a direct and lasting impact on young Timothy who later joins Paul in his missionary work and eventually becomes the main leader at the church in Ephesus.

God has blessed Timothy with a legacy of strong faith modeled by—not his father or grandfather—his mother and grandmother.

This should serve as an encouragement to women in marriages where their partner is not Christian; to single mothers, foster moms, and adoptive moms; and to grandmothers raising their grandchildren: You can and do make a difference just by living your faith on a day to day basis.

Raising kiddos is NOT easy, but God is able and will use your sincere faith as a powerful influence in their lives. And through them to future generations.

You can read about Eunice and Lois in 2 Timothy 1:5 and Acts 16:1-5


Additional Resources:

  • "Lois" The Dictionary of Bible and Religion. Edited by William H. Gentz. (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1986).

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