Valiant Women of the Bible 🍽️ Day 17: Esther

HADASSAH: PEOPLE PROTECTORWhen we first meet Hadassah (“myrtle tree”) she is living in the citadel of Susa with her cousin/adoptive father Mordecai (pronounced "MOR-duh-kai").Hadassah's parents die when she was very young, so she is raised by her cou...

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Mar 17, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 👑 Day 16: Vashti

VASHTI: NONCOMPLIANT QUEENWhen we first meet Vashti, we learn that she is married to the King of Persia. Her husband, King Ahasuerus (also known as Xerxes I or Xerxes the Great), is the first king of the Achaemenid Dynasty in the Persian Empire. 👑In...

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Mar 16, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 📜 Day 15: Huldah

HULDAH: PROPHET TEACHERWe first meet Huldah at her home in Jerusalem. She is married to the keeper of the king's wardrobe, and she is According to Jewish tradition, "Huldah had a school for women in Jerusalem, whom she taught the word of G-d insofar...

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Mar 15, 2023
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GAH! I'm so sorry for sending Day 15 just now. Please delete it. I'll resend it in the morning. I'm still trying to figure out this email platform I'm using for these. SORRRY!!! Laura

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Mar 14, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 🤴🏽 Day 15: Huldah

HULDAH: PROPHET TEACHERWe first meet Huldah at her home in Jerusalem. She is married to the keeper of the king's wardrobe, and she is According to Jewish tradition, "Huldah had a school for women in Jerusalem, whom she taught the word of G-d insofar...

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Mar 14, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 🤴🏽 Day 14: Jehosheba

JEHOSHEBA: PRINCE PROTECTORWhen we first meet Jehosheba she is sneaking around the palace of the king in Jerusalem. The Queen Mother, Athaliah, has taken over the throne, and she is in the process of destroying the royal family. HISTORICAL CONTEXTAft...

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Mar 14, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 🛁 Day 12: Bathsheba

SHEERAH: CITY BUILDERAs we’ve been working our way from Eve to Bathsheba, we’ve been walking in chronological lockstep with history. Today's story, however, breaks that pattern. Although Bathsheba's story is recorded in Samuel and Kings, and today's...

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Mar 13, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 🛁 Day 12: Bathsheba

BATHSHEBA: BEAUTY. QUEEN.When we first meet Bathsheba she is at home in Jerusalem—alone. Her husband, Uriah the Hittite, is away with other soldiers fighting the king's battles. Bathsheba is bathing, but this is not a soothing bubble bath. Her monthl...

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Mar 12, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 🙏 Day 11: Hannah

HANNAH: PRAYIN' MAMAWhen we first meet Hannah, she is at home with her husband Elkanah AND his other wife, Peninnah, and their children. Hannah has no children of her own. Elkanah is descended from the tribe of Ephraim and his family worships the LOR...

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Mar 11, 2023