Valiant Women of the Bible 🥛 Day 10: Jael

JAEL: HOSTESS ASSASSINWhen we first meet Jael she is greeting an unexpected visitor outside her tent. She barely recognizes him, but invites him in anyway. His name is Sisera, and he’s a Canaanite General who has been oppressing nearby Hebrews for th...

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Mar 10, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible ⚖️ Day 9: Deborah

DEBORAH: PROPHET & JUDGEWhen we first meet Deborah, we learn that she is a prophetess, a wife, and a judge over Israel—her roles are listed in that order. The fourth judge of Israel, Deborah's 40-year reign falls between that of Shamgar and Gideo...

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Mar 09, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 🫦 Day 7: Rahab

RAHAB: HARLOT HEROWe first meet Rahab at her home located within the walls surrounding Jericho, the City of Palms. 🌴🌴🌴As a Canaanite, a woman, and a harlot (prostitute), Rahab is triply marginalized in the Biblical narrative, and yet, she shines a...

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Mar 08, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible ✊🏾 Day 3: Hagar

HAGAR: SEEN BY GODWhen we first meet Hagar, she is in enslaved by Abram and Sarai. She is a woman of African descent and was likely purchased as a servant while in Egypt during a famine.As you might recall, Sarai has suffered from infertility for dec...

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Mar 03, 2023
Valiant Women of the Bible 🤱🏽 Day 2: Sarah

SARAH: MIRACLE MOMToday, we’re going to learn about one of the MATRIARCHS of the faith. Matriarchs? Yes. ❤️Maybe you’ve heard of the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Well, I’m here to remind us all that they were married, and their wives were...

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Mar 03, 2023