A Warning To The Franchise Community

Hi there,This new warning comes courtesy of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).It's about hidden fees that franchisors charge, not penalizing franchisees who complain to government agencies about their franchisor-and more. The FTC is really putting t...

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Jul 18, 2024
Get Free Franchise Disclosure Documents!

Hi there!Although I generally don't recommend getting your hands on a Franchise Disclosure Document before you need it, there are a few cases in which it's worth it.For example, if the the folks at franchise headquarters are delaying sending it to yo...

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Jul 10, 2024
Top Food & Drink Trends to Watch in 2024

Hi there,I wanted to take a look at some of the trends shaping the food and beverage industry, and I came upon an interesting report. Here's one of the hottest trends that bears watching:Local Goes Global"Our fifth top food trend is based on local in...

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Jun 12, 2024
It's Expensive To Do This

Hi there!I think you'd agree that it's expensive to dine out. And it doesn't feel like it's getting any better. Think about it.You get excited to get out of the house to go "somewhere" to eat. You get there.The restaurant is short-staffed. The food i...

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Jun 06, 2024
Why You Need To Attend Franchise Conventions

Hi there,If you become the owner of a franchise, you'll be invited to attend yearly franchise conventions. And they are must-attend events. Not because your franchisor requires it (although some of them do).But because you’ll be able to meet and netw...

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May 15, 2024
3 Quick Franchise Tips + A Free Event

Hi there,This week features 3 franchise ownership tips and an announcement of a free, helpful event that takes place next week. The tips-pitfalls to avoid:As good as franchising is, it also has its own set of challenges and risks. These can affect yo...

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May 08, 2024
I Fell Asleep Making This Video

Hi there!I just made a video about a pretty hot franchise opportunity. And I fell asleep smack-dab in the middle of it. Am I embarrassed?Heck no!You can watch it hereThe Franchise King® Joel Libava216-831-2610My YouTube Channel"You're only given...

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May 01, 2024
Some News

Hellooo!While it's super-important important for you to know how to properly choose, research and buy a franchise, there's something else you need to know. The news. Specifically, you need to know about the latest franchise news, including the latest...

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Apr 24, 2024
How much, really?

Hi there!How much does it really cost to buy a franchise?And why do franchise companies typically provide an investment "range?"Find out here. That way you'll know if you can afford to buy a franchise so you can be your own boss!A tip:When you’re res...

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Apr 18, 2024
"Franchising Is Easy," They Said

Hi there,Owning a franchise is easy, right?After all, everything is provided for you. And...oh heck, just watch this short video. Why?So you are prepared.The Franchise King®Joel Libava216-831-2610

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Apr 12, 2024