The Top Two Reasons Franchisees Go Out Of Business

New Post From The Franchise King®Why do some franchise owners go out of business? And why does it seem to happen (a lot) within the first year or two? Warning: The answers aren’t complicated. I promise you won’t need to pull up Excel and create sprea...

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Jun 29, 2020
Pet Butler Franchise Owner Interview

New Post From The Franchise King®(Sponsored Post) Recently, I had the pleasure of talking to Jessica Friley, who owns the Overland Park, Kansas franchise of Pet Butler. What’s notable about Jessica (and her husband, James) is how they invested in the...

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Jun 23, 2020
Franchise Profitability: When Do You Start Making Bank?

New Post From The Franchise King® When it comes to franchise profitability, it’s important to recognize that your business won’t be an overnight success. Just like any other business venture, making money in a franchise business takes time, dedicatio...

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Jun 09, 2020
How To Find Profitable, Pandemic-Proof Franchises To Buy

New Post From The Franchise King®(Image of Valvoline®, a potential pandemic-proof franchise to buy, comes courtesy of jeepersmedia on Flickr) I know what you’re asking yourself. “Should I really be looking for a franchise to buy right now? In the mid...

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May 08, 2020