Are you visible?

Jun 17, 2020 3:08 pm

Hello ,

When business owners send me messages complaining about their business not meeting their expectations, sales not coming in, and how they may be shutting down the business; it hurts me so much because as a business owner myself I can so relate to their pains.

Is it the time invested in growing the business?

Is it the financial resources that the business has swallowed up without anything to really show for it?

Is it the mental and emotional investment?

It is not really a great place to be for any business owner or entrepreneur.

After listening to them, one question I do ask is" Are you visible"?


For any business to thrive either online or offline, it needs to be visible to the right audience.

Visibility is the ability of people to know you exist and that they are also aware of what you are about as a business.

Being on social media does not automatically mean you are visible.

A lot of business owners are on almost all the social media platforms; Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest,Twitter, TikTok, etc but still they are not making sales.

Being on a platform is not the same as utilizing the features of that platform.

Do you understand the algorithm of the platform you are using?

Do you know the type of content that will thrive in such a platform?

If you don't know these things, even with your knowledge of who your audience is, you will struggle.

Let me ask you, are you visible on the platform you are using? Do you know how to use the features of the platform for maximum impact?

Come June 21st, I and a few others will be teaching business owners on how to gain visibility online. It is a free 7 days class.

Kindly click on this link to join

Wishing you an amazing day.


